Reds... baby.. Reds...

Reds.. The Bold and the Beautiful..

Name                Basic Character                                                                Kinda Like

Pinot Noir      Fruity , congenial and elegant with layered flavors      Artwork in a bottle

                     Anyone remember the "Sideways" Effect?

Sangiovese  The grape of Chianti: Vibrant and fruity with hints of herbs  Opera singer

Malbec        Ripe, plummy, and Argentine                                            A sophisticated
                                                                                                               Brunette, hmm

Syrah/Shiraz   Peppery with dark berry notes and sharp                   Urban Hipster

Zinfandel        Spicy and exciting Truly California                           surf's up dude

Cabernet Sauvignon  Big Bold and distinctive                           A cool older guy in a

sure theres more, but keep it simple I say


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