Flavanoids in Moscato

Moscato wine, historically speaking, has a very royal history. Even though many wine buffs would snub moscato, it has been discovered that moscato actually played a key role in many of the alchoholic beverages in King Midas’s tomb. So anybody who drinks moscato is in the company of royalty. Nonetheless, moscato wine is very tasty, sweet and very distinguished.
Strictly speaking, Moscato comes from the Muscat grape, which is used for wine making. It mainly has a sweet flavor, with low tannins and ranges in either color of white and black. Muscat actually comes from all over the world, and so it’s denomination may change from region to region. Some common names are Muscat Blanc, muscat Canelli, Yellow Muscat, and Moscato Bianco.
Muscat grapes are very popular in Chile, and there are even some vineyards in the states as well, especially California and New York. One type of common Moscato drink in the UK is the Asti Spumante, which is known for its grapey sweetness and frizz.
Not only are moscato wines tasty it is also healthy. Research has shown that moscato contains high concentrations of flavonoids, which means a lot of antioxidants. Moscato wine also has as many flavonoids as red wine, so one can argue that moscato wine is as healthy as red wine.


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