Another beautiful day here in Central Florida, last night the weather forecasters got you into a frenzy, thinking you might get rain today, even predicted 30% chance, but alas nothing. The water company is dancing from all the amount of water being consumed. Our bill will be high this month.

Found a frog in one of my bromeliad, he /she stayed there as I ran back to the house to get my camera. Bromeliads are another plant that propagates well, I had several clumped together and separated them and planted them as border in a semi shady area.

Looks like the multi rose bush I planted about 2 weeks ago died, it didn't survive the transplant, I clipped it down to the thorns to give it some root activity but.. this should be interesting I paid 16 dollars for it at Walmart, and I am bringing it back. For an exchange.

I saw two good movies on the pay per view, My Week with Marilyn and HUGO,   I figured these two films got some attention at the Oscars why not try it out. I enjoyed them.


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