A Dangerous Discovery... crescent roll dough..yum

Yes, last night while watching must see TV
I discover the simple dessert of slicing apples thinly into a bowl, sprinkling a tablespoon or less of sugar, cinnamon to taste and a little lemon juice.  Placing the sliced apples into the crescent squares(as the oven preheats to 375) sprinkling the tops with the left over sugar concoction. Then I took a small chocolate candy (Dove -square or M+Ms will do) into some and rolled them in and Voila in less than 10 minutes dangerous but delicious apple and chocolate popovers. (50 calories each depending on the filling) and how many you eat
 Here is the chocolate filled crescent roll..

Some other fillings I have tried: mixing creme cheese with Gorgonzola...
quick left over hamburger with raisins..
pop any cheese you like..

the possibilities are endless ... What ever wine at hand in this case my beloved Shiraz


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