i'll have a Manhattan...

Whiskey Please,,,,,

3 oz. blended whiskey – Seagram’s VO is my favorite
1 oz. sweet vermouth
1/4 oz. dry vermouth
1 tsp. maraschino cherry juice
1 maraschino cherry
Place 1 tsp. of maraschino cherry juice in each glass with a maraschino cherry. Combine whiskey, sweet and dry vermouth in an ice filled shaker, shake, pour and enjoy.
As simple a recipe as it is, I am amazed at how widely varied its preparation seems to be when I order it out and how very particular I am about it when it fails to meet expectations. Nonetheless, I always find it worth the extra effort to get it right as there’s little worse than struggling through a flawed execution of what was to have been a welcome and well-known favorite.


  1. A couple more weeks and
    I'll look forward to following your recipe!


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