1960's When Jello Ruled.

Doing some research on the "Mad Men" recipes I came across an old recipe book entitled of all things, "The Way to a Man's Heart" The Settlement Cook Book. by Mrs. Simon Kander , I have had this book I found in New York over 20 years, and I love it because it teaches you how to make things from scratch.

In those days, when you were having a cocktail hour you would serve; not munchies or snacks, but Appetizers, Hors D'Oeuvers, Canapes.

These were the guidelines back then:

Wines and when to serve them:

Appetizers:       Pale dry Sherry, with bitters, Vermouth or Du bonnet ( I think the Queen  Mother likes this)

Soup Course:    Old dry Sherry, light dry wines
Fish   course:     Rhine Wine, Moselle, Sauternes, White Burgundy
Game:                Vintage Champagne, Red Wine
Poultry:              Medium Champagne, Claret or Burgundy
Entrees:             Light Bordeaux Claret
Roast:                Chateaux bottled Claret or Red Burgundy
Pastry:               Rich Madeira or sweet Champagne Port
Cheese:             Port
Fruit:                  Tokay, Malaga, White Port
Coffee:               Cognac, Liqueurs or Cordials

Oh, and getting back to the title, the 1960's was big on jello rings one that really got me was:

Avocado Ring

1 package of lime or lemon jello
1 cup of boiling water
1 cup mayonaise
3 tablespoons of lemon juic
1 teaspoon of salt
1 cup mashed avocado
1 cup cream whipped or
1 cup sour cream

Pour boikiung water over jello powder. Let thicken a bit, then add other ingredients. Pour into a seven-cup ring mold. Set aside to harden and chill 4 hours or so. Serve on shredded lettuce surounded with grapefruit sections and Prunes Stuffed with walnuts.


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