How many Grapes Go Into A bottle of Wine?

There are more than two and a half pounds of grapes in an average bottle of wine.
How many grapes go into a bottle of wine? A heck of a lot more than you might think at first blush. Keeping in mind that these are ballpark figures (the actual results depend on the size of the grapes and how firmly the winery presses), let's run some numbers.
A winery might produce about 60 cases, or 720 bottles, per ton of grapes. About four and a half grape clusters weigh one pound, so that works out to 9,000 clusters for every 720 bottles, or about 12 clusters per bottle. Guesstimating that there are about 40 grapes per cluster means that there are about 500 grapes per bottle. Whew! All that math can make you thirsty.


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