Cook it Once, use it Twice Chicken..

I defrosted some chicken tenderloins, which are so much better than getting frozen chicken breast, Chicken has started to become very expensive. Why.. I guess cause we eating more of it.  I took a large piece of aluminium foil (about 24 inches) fold in half to make an envelope, pre-heated the oven to 350, while i placed the chicken on the foil, I seasoned it with Kosher salt, onions, splash of sesame oil, rice vinegar, soy sauce,  little red wine vinegar, olive oil, and sliced scallions, then I folded the sides twice make sure your make a good, seal,  before you're about to finish the seal add about a cup of water, then seal the foil envelope, put it on a cookie sheet and bake for 25 minutes. This is for a foil packet of about 5 tenderloins.

when timer indicates 15 minutes left , bring out a pan to boil those KAME wide Chinese noodle, it indicates to boil for 6 minutes, which is true, at least six minutes till doneness.

The noodles and the chicken should be done at the same time, I place the noodles in a bowl, and careful cut a slice on the corner of the envelope, It will hot so careful not to burn yourself, I usually hold it over the bowl not to loose any of the liquid. It takes practice, I use a pot holder,to  release the broth from the packet into the bowl, Take a few tenderloins slice into the bowl, splash with more soy to taste maybe some sesame or chili oil and done a quick soothing meal of  noodles and chicken. You will be surprised how delicious the scallions taste when they are poached in this broth.  Tomorrow I'll take the rest of the tenderloins and use it in a chicken salad with mayonaise, nice toasted bread or on a salad.


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