Appellation-Where the Best Wines Grow...In Europe

Now We're Talking the Mother Land

France; This appellation region as produced fine wine forever(not historically documented, but whatever) Some famous wines areas: Bordeaux, Burgundy, Champagne, Rhone, and Alsace. Conclusion: The French . know their wine. Also cheese and existentialism. (In most of Europe you'll noticed wines are named after the regions they come from. They just got proud of the blends/wines they made ad wanted the world to kinow itwaas theirs) 

Italy: Another big winery, with 900,000+ registered vineyards(it seems like every family grows grapes on a rocky hill, verdant valley). Some famous Wines ares; Piedmont, Tuscany and the Tre Venezie.

Spain; Wine's star has recently risen in the US, but Spanish wines have hit American shores. Some famous wine areas: Rioja. Navarra, Ribera del Duero, Rias Baixas. Spain has more vineyard are than any other country.

Germany; Northernmost wine growing country in the world. Germany may be cold but they have figured out how to make some kicking wein.

The Germans plant winter-hardy grape varieties like Riesling and Gerwurztraminer. Some Famous Areas : Pfalz, Mosel.


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