Growing the Grapes

Like apples or wheat, grapes are a crop that grows over the seasons...

Winter , the vineyard begins with pruning. The grape growers cut off all the stems and leaves from the last season's growth so the vines keeps a certain shape and size.
Spring,  The sun comes out, the vines start to grow. Thousands of tiny grapes blossoms- little yellow shoots with brown caps-bloom for up to ten beautiful days
Summer,  At the height of summer, the grapes really grow. Red and white grapes both begin their life as tight little berries clustered on the vine. Towards the end of summer, winemakers taste grapes for sugar levels and flavor daily to determine if they are ready to be picked.
Fall, the grapes are plump and aromatic--HARVEST time.! They are waiting for a single moment when the grapes' acid and suagrs reach the perfect balance.

Then it's race against the clock to harvest. (Meaning, pick those ripe grapes to make great wine, or wind up with useless overripe grapes and now wine-- no pressure or anything!)


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