Its Friday Morning here in Orlando Florida..The Garden is a Poppin !

Plumbago Shoots..

Considering we had a very mild winter this year here in Florida, I found someone had thrown out  this plumbago bush. I walk with the dogs every morning so it soo convenient to be a"garbage" picker. I split the plant into three sections and they all transplanted successfully.

For  years I have wanted Tea roses that exude this wonderful scent. Yesterday I broke down and bought this tricolor rose bush with purple yellow and red scented roses. This adventure will be different as I have decided to plant them in a container, the Florida soil is so sandy I'd thought, this trio may fair better, plus my Jacks have a tendency to run over  the last rose attempt.
I did my research and it instructs to place roses where it will get the morning sun so the dew can burn off. So this morning I am watching how the sun comes into the garden. Roses need at least 6 hours of sun. A rich mixture of soil (including cow manure) and monthly fertilizing. I also bought a spray specially for roses to keep the bugs away

My cimbidium bloomed, right on time. As it blooms once a year around March and Voila! here is this years bloom 


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